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What to Expect in the Libraries During Finals

Posted April 16, 2021 in JMU Libraries News

Each semester during finals week, the Libraries are the hot place to be to get some serious studying, paper-writing, and presentation-practicing done. This semester should be very similar, but here are a few notable changes to keep in mind.

Building Hours

If you’ve been a student on campus for a few years, you’re probably familiar with the fact that the Libraries used to stay open for 24 hours for the duration of finals week. This year, to keep students, staff, faculty, and community members safe, here are the hours for finals week:

Ask the Library Chat Hours

We highly recommend utilizing the Ask the Library Chat! You can have your questions answered in real time by our Libraries experts. The regular chat availability can be seen on the Libraries Hours page, and here are some finals week modifications to the chat schedule:

Alternate Study Spaces

If the Libraries aren’t your thing, that’s okay – we won’t take it personally. Here are some other places on campus to study that might suit you.

COVID Guidelines to Keep in Mind

All Stop the Spread Guidelines will remain in effect during finals week. These include: