We Can Help Faculty Prepare for Fall
Posted August 8, 2023 in Educational Technology News, JMU Libraries News

JMU faculty, as you gear up for the fall, remember that we are here to support your research and teaching. Here are 7 things we’re ready and eager to help you with:
1. Designing courses and assignments:
Our instructional designers are here for you, whether you’re seeking advice on technology-supported teaching strategies, designing an assignment, or planning an in-person, online, or blended course.
2. Creating digital projects and assignments:
Our digital projects team can help you and your students to create websites, blogs, podcasts, maps, data visualizations, and other innovative digital projects to promote engaged learning.
3. Fine-tuning your Canvas courses:
We can help you optimize your courses for Canvas. Contact the Learning Innovations & Design Desk online or in Rose Library.
4. Making your course readings more accessible:
Whether you want to assign free and low-cost online textbook options or place limited checkout times on high-demand library items through course reserves, we’ve got you covered.
5. Helping your students develop strong research skills:
Your liaison librarian can help your students learn skills required for research and information seeking. Email your liaison librarian to start the conversation.
6. Advancing your research:
We can help advance your research by consulting with you on topics such as avoiding predatory publishers, creating data management plans, increasing the visibility of your research by posting it on our open-access institutional repository, and more.
7. Getting set up with educational technology:
For help with classroom technology, including microphones and projectors, contact the Learning Innovations & Design Desk online or in Rose Library. You and your students can also check out multimedia equipment.
Ready to get started? Request a consultation to get connected with expert staff who are eager to help.
Learn more: Visit our Faculty Services page for more information and more ways we can help you this semester!