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Stefanie Warlick

Associate Dean for Administration, Professor

Picture of Stefanie Warlick

Building: Moody HallOffice: 219AMSC: 1703

Departments: , ,

Pronouns: She / Her / Hers

About me

I am currently the Associate Dean for the Libraries Administration at James Madison University Libraries. I originally joined JMU Libraries as the Health and Human Services Librarian in 2008. Since that time, I have primarily served in leadership roles working with many teams across Libraries. In my role as Associate Dean, I currently work most closely with the teams and individuals supporting Libraries Administration and Finance, HR, & Facilities related efforts. 

I earned a Bachelor of Science from the University of Kansas in 2002 and a Master of Science, Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Information and Library Science in 2006. View my work and educational history – here.

About Libraries Administration

We support and challenge JMU Libraries’ staff and faculty to live up to our guiding statements — as we work together to provide excellent library and educational technology resources, spaces, services, and expertise to our campus community. Libraries’ Administration includes Communications and Outreach, Data Analytics, Facilities Operations, Finance and Human Resources, and the office of the Dean.

About Finance, HR, and Facilities

We are responsible for the general finance, human resources, and facilities operations within the Libraries.

About Dean's Office

The office of the Dean of Libraries includes associate deans for the four major divisions of the JMU Libraries (AE, DATech, LID, and Admin) as well as an executive assistant and senior professional faculty leading strategic initiatives.