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Dustin Kenney

Systems Administrator and Developer

About me

I have worked in the information technology field within educational institutions since 2004, supporting various technologies that help learners, staff, and faculty. My guiding professional goal is to continue learning and employ educational and technological best practices. As part of Systems & Operations, I work with the rest of the team to ensure that equipment is maintained, services are available, and issues are resolved.

About Systems, Operations, & Support

We support library data center infrastructure, administer physical and virtual servers, and install and maintain library systems.

About Technology

We administer and support a wide range of library and educational technologies. Teams include Systems, Operations, & Support and Web & Application Services.

About Discovery, Access, and Technology

We are responsible for collections, metadata, and technology. Departments include Access and Delivery, Interlibrary Loan and Course Reserves, Metadata Strategies, Collection Administration, Data & Scholarly Communications, and Technology.

DATech’s Mission: To steward the entire lifecycle of collections and academic resources through a commitment to research support, equitable access, sustainability, reliable infrastructure, and care for the many communities we support.

DATech’s Vision: To develop and sustain innovative and integrative services that maximize equitable, enduring access to collections and academic resources while cultivating staff expertise and supporting capacity in a highly collaborative and adaptive unit.