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Amanda Fink

Acquisitions Coordinator

About me

As Acquisitions Coordinator, I order new materials for JMU Libraries. I pay continuing resource subscriptions and work closely with others in Resource Management and Metadata Strategies to ensure our print and electronic resources are made accessible to JMU students, faculty, and staff.

B.A. in History, West Virginia University
M.A. in Appalachian Studies, Appalachian State University

About Collection Administration

We license, acquire, and manage scholarly resources and academic software to meet the research needs of the JMU community. Our Collections Administration Team facilitates discovery and ensures seamless access to scholarly content.

About Discovery, Access, and Technology

We are responsible for collections, metadata, and technology. Departments include Access and Delivery, Interlibrary Loan and Course Reserves, Metadata Strategies, Collection Administration, Data & Scholarly Communications, and Technology.

DATech’s Mission: To steward the entire lifecycle of collections and academic resources through a commitment to research support, equitable access, sustainability, reliable infrastructure, and care for the many communities we support.

DATech’s Vision: To develop and sustain innovative and integrative services that maximize equitable, enduring access to collections and academic resources while cultivating staff expertise and supporting capacity in a highly collaborative and adaptive unit.