Resources Available for Graduate Students due to COVID-19 (Updated July 15)
Posted July 15, 2020 in Educational Technology News, JMU Libraries News
The rapidly-evolving COVID-19 situation is disrupting campus life, and we’re all quickly shifting to teaching and learning remotely. It may feel daunting to learn and teach in new ways. That’s okay. We at JMU Libraries are here to help graduate students, including you.
First, take a deep breath and remember to be kind to yourself and each other. None of us has been in this situation before, but we’ll get through it together.
For research and online learning:
- Online learning: please refer to our Guide to Online & Hybrid Learning at JMU for important information you’ll need to take online classes.
- Online research: Check our Library Resources Online page, or make an online appointment with a librarian, or chat with us on any page of our web site during our Ask the Library hours.
- Connecting from off-campus: Almost all of the Libraries’ online journals and databases are available from off-campus by logging in with your eID/password and Duo. See instructions on how to connect from off-campus. Some resources require you to connect with the VPN.
- InterLibrary Loan update: Libraries around the world are no longer shipping books to each other due to the pandemic, so JMU Libraries’ ILL service is not able to request books or other loan materials for you from other libraries until further notice. We are able to process requests for some articles and book chapters in electronic formats. Read the latest news about ILL at JMU.
For teaching/graduate assistant positions:
- Think creatively about how to help students progress on core learning objectives when teaching online.
- Remember that sometimes, the best options for human connection in online teaching and learning are the most low-tech, accessible, and inclusive options.
- Don’t miss our Guide to Hybrid & Online Teaching at JMU.
For graduate life in general:
- Let your professors, or faculty you work with, know what help you might need right now, and not just for learning online
- COVID-19 information from the Graduate School
- Online Learning Tips from Learning Strategies Instruction
- Pop-Up Food Pantry (in you’re in Harrisonburg)
- Rebound (email Josh Bacon at if you would like to join)
- UREC Virtual Resources
- Therapist Assisted Online (TAO) and changes to services from the Counseling Center
- Virtual appointments with Career and Academic Advisors
- Office of Disability Services (available via email)
- Remote Service Opportunities and Resources from Community Service-Learning
- COVID-19 information from the University Health Center
And please, don’t hesitate to ASK FOR HELP. Visit our Ask the Library page to use our live chat or send us a message. Whether you have a question related to an online course or need help with your research, you’re not alone. We are here for you!
Originally published on March 23, 2020. Updated July 15, 2020.