It’s an exciting time for JMU, as construction is underway for the renovation and expansion of Carrier Library! Here is a sneak peek at new images of the future Carrier Library, expected to reopen in Fall 2026.
Looking North from Madison DriveLooking Southeast across Grace StreetLooking West from Grace StreetLooking East from Grace StreetWest ElevationSouth ElevationFirst Floor: Open Study in New AdditionFirst Floor: Looking Towards Service Point & Anatomy RoomFirst Floor: South Entry Open StudyFirst Floor: Looking Towards Historic EntryFirst Floor: Looking Towards South EntryFirst Floor: Open Study in Historic CarrierSecond Floor: Looking Towards Special CollectionsSecond Floor: Learning Innovations & DesignSecond Floor: Historic Carrier Featuring PreservationSecond Floor: Reading Room in New AdditionThird Floor: Grand Reading Room in New AdditionThird Floor: Open StudyGround Floor: 24-Hour Space from Grace Street EntranceGround Floor: Social Space (Daily Seating)Ground Floor: Social Space (Guest Lecturer)Section Perspective Through New North EntrySection Perspective Through Historic Carrier EntrySection Perspective Through New South EntrySite PlanSite Plan (without labels for building names)