Get Help With the Costs of Open Access Publication
Posted November 29, 2023 in JMU Libraries News, Open Education News
Did you know that you can apply for funding to help cover the cost of publishing an open access article? It’s true! Our Open Access APC Fund provides subsidies for some article processing charges (APC) for articles by JMU faculty and staff that have been accepted for publication in scholarly, peer-reviewed, open access (OA) journals.
We are pleased to offer this fund in partnership with JMU Research, Economic Development and Innovation.
Why open access? Open access publishing not only broadens your readership and increases citations to your work, but also empowers you to help change the scholarly publishing ecosystem to a more sustainable and equitable model.
Additional programs to help with APCs: Not all open access publishing requires APCs. We invest in a variety of models for making the scholarly communications ecosystem more open and equitable. Where fees exist, they may already be eliminated, subsidized, or reduced due to the Libraries’ memberships, subscriptions, and participation in the VIVA consortium. Visit our Scholarly Communications guide to learn about our existing agreements with publishers.
Learn more: Visit our Open Access APC Fund page for details, including the application process and criteria.
Contact: Please contact Yasmeen Shorish, Director of Scholarly Communications Strategies, with any questions about publication fees, open access, or this program.