Get to Know JMU Libraries’ Newest Team Members
Posted January 22, 2024 in JMU Libraries News
Meet the newest additions to the JMU Libraries team! During the pandemic, we got out of the habit of taking group photos, so we are very pleased to finally announce the folks who joined the Libraries between Fall 2022 and Fall 2023. You may notice a few familiar faces in new positions!

Please help us extend a very warm welcome to these new staff and faculty members when you see them. They are looking forward to meeting you, too!
Learn more about our new colleagues (in reverse alphabetical order by last name):
- Zhenhuan “Henry” Yang, instructional designer, is thrilled about exploring nature.
- Matt Underwood, learning support specialist, enjoys gaming and walking in his spare time.
- Benjamin Stoll, building operations coordinator for Rose Library, loves collecting books as much as reading them.
- Eric Saner, web specialist, enjoys biking to JMU.
- Michael Richardson is a Music Library night supervisor.
- N’Kosi Oates, PhD, the instruction librarian, curator for Black arts and culture, and assistant professor on the Libraries’ Special Collections team, enjoys listening to podcasts.
- Dana Lehman, access and delivery specialist, enjoys riding his bike to work.
- Matt Kennedy is a stacks coordinator.
- Abiodun Stephen Ijeluola, instructional designer, is glad to be part of JMU’s amazing community.
- Ross Hamrick is an instruction equipment and applications specialist.
- Grant Gardner is a library services supervisor.
- Julia Frazier is a Music Library night supervisor.
- Kathryn Shenk, science and math librarian, has enjoyed working alongside students and faculty in the Biology and Chemistry & Biochemistry departments.
- Jessica Clendenning, ordering and support specialist, is enjoying the hiking opportunities in the area.
- Layne Carpenter, digital archivist, enjoys taking walks on campus and hiking in Shenandoah National Park.
- David Black, digital preservation specialist, is excited to be returning to JMU after almost 5 years.
- Kayleigh Bishop is a library services specialist.
- Caitlin Birch, director of Digital Scholarship and Distinctive Collections, is learning to love hilly running routes.
- Madeline Birchett is a library services supervisor.
- Liana Bayne-Lin, science and math librarian, is so happy to now be supporting the departments of Geology & Environmental Science, Physics & Astronomy, and Mathematics & Statistics as a faculty librarian after beginning her librarianship journey as a grad student here at JMU 8 years ago.
- Nathaniel “Nat” Barker is a subscription resources coordinator.
- Amelia Bailey is a library services supervisor.
And don’t miss this related story showcasing new positions in the Libraries and the Furious Flower Poetry Center whose work supports the “Flowerings Project,” funded by a grant from the Mellon Foundation!