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Laser Cutter

View of Glowforge Laser Cutter from above.

Before you get started, read the overview on our cutting machines to make sure you know which machine best suits your project and to learn what you need to do before using the machine.

To get started with the Laser Cutter, read or review the information below, then make an appointment (select “Laser Cutting”).

If you haven’t used Adobe Illustrator before, expect to spend at least an hour learning how to complete some basic tasks with it before working with the cutter/plotter. As always, assistance and materials are provided by Makery staff. Additionally, we regularly hold workshops on how to use Adobe Illustrator.

Glowforge Laser Cutter

The Makery has a Glowforge “Laser Printer”. It can cut, engrave, and score a variety of flat materials of up to 11″ x 19.5″ in width and length, and up to 2″ thick.

Engravings can be done with either raster or vector image files; cuts can only be made with vector path-based .svg files. A staff member will help look over the design and assist with using Adobe Photoshop and/or Illustrator to make sure it is optimized for laser cutting and engraving. You’ll then choose one of the provided materials and load it into the machine while the staff member logs into the Glowforge web app and helps set up the print. 

We provide plywood, acrylic, and leather for free use. Outside materials require special approval by our management, who will determine whether fumes created by the cutting process can be safely handled by our filtration system. This determination can be made much easier if you can provide Safety Data Sheets from the manufacturer of the materials or can supply us with similarly detailed information about their construction.

Check out the Glowforge manual to learn more.