Learning Access Through Universal Design (LAUD) Honored with a Commonwealth Technology Award
Posted October 2, 2023 in Educational Technology News, Instructional Design News, JMU Libraries News

The Learning Access Through Universal Design (LAUD) project recently received a Commonwealth Technology Award!
LAUD blends a self-paced course with seminars for JMU faculty who want to apply fundamental principles of universal design for learning (UDL) to their teaching for a more inclusive learning environment. This project was created by JMU Libraries staff and faculty in collaboration with the JMU College of Health and Behavioral Sciences and other JMU departments.
Juhong Christie Liu represented JMU Libraries and project partners at the Commonwealth of Virginia Innovative Technology Symposium award ceremony held in Richmond in September 2023. LAUD received the “Best Customer Experience Initiative” award in the Education category.

This project would not have been possible without the work and support of dozens of collaborators, including: Andrea Adams, Chelsey M. Bollinger, Daisy Breneman, BJ Bryson, Costel Constantin, Liz Chenevey, Heather Coltman, Lori Gano-Overway, Ivan Guadarrama, Morgan Ferretti, Dayna Henry, Stephen Abiodun Ijeluola, Raven King, Jessica Lantz, Zenobia Lee-Nelson, Lesley Lemons, Juhong Christie Liu, Sharon Lovell, Shay Lumpkin, Anthony Miles, Fawn-Amber Montoya, Allie-Cate Phillips, Joshua M. Pulos, Ayasakanta Rout, Valerie Schoolcraft, Josh See, Kristen Shuyler, Andrew Strack, Alanna Whitfield, Samantha Joy Whiteaker, and Amy Russell Yun. Some of these contributors are pictured below.

Congratulations to all involved in this interdisciplinary project supporting inclusive teaching and learning!