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Supporting JMU Libraries Means Supporting All Dukes

Posted February 24, 2025 in Carrier Renovation News, Featured News, Giving to JMU Libraries News

View a short video tour of Carrier Library under construction

Libraries are places of connection and discovery, where students and scholars consult the wisdom of the past and help to shape the future.

When the expanded and renovated Carrier Library reopens for Fall semester 2026, it will serve as a place of discovery in the heart of campus, inspiring and connecting generations of future Dukes alongside three other beloved locations: Rose Library, the Music Library, and the Educational Technology and Media Center.

But at JMU, the library is more than just a place—it’s also a department dedicated to supporting all Dukes.

On Giving Day, your gift to JMU Libraries directly supports all JMU students.

Every Duke benefits from the classroom technologies, research resources, learning management system (Canvas), and other essential expertise offered by JMU Libraries.

JMU Libraries’ student employees also benefit from their experiences with the Libraries. Working in the JMU Libraries allows students to graduate with real-world work experience.

Your gift to the Libraries General Fund will directly support the Libraries’ student employees, many of whom receive scholarships as they learn to balance work with their academic and social lives.

Brielle Lacroix, the current Student Body President, and a Libraries student employee and scholarship recipient, working in Rose Library

Brielle Lacroix, the current Student Body President, and a Libraries student employee and scholarship recipient, reflects, “Working as a JMU Libraries employee has been a highlight of my time in college, not only has it helped me develop my professionalism, increased my confidence, and strengthened my communication skills, but this job has “shown me the importance of a supportive and friendly work environment that prioritizes employee wellbeing. I am beyond thankful for how much JMU Libraries and the amazing staff has helped me to grow as a student, an employee, and as a Duke over my time at JMU.”

Thank you for supporting all Dukes, especially the Libraries’ student employees, with your generous gift to JMU Libraries!

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