Get Books Delivered to A Campus Mailbox
Posted December 12, 2024 in Carrier Renovation News, General Collections News, JMU Libraries News

Did you know that staff, faculty, and doctoral students can have library books delivered directly to their campus mailbox? This service includes books and other items from JMU Libraries or Interlibrary Loan (ILL)!
For JMU Libraries books:
Enter your work address to your account in MyMadison, and then select Work Address as your Pickup Location when you request delivery of physical items via the Libraries website. Books that can be delivered include those in on-campus storage during the Carrier renovation construction project.
For books via InterLibrary Loan:
Visit our ILL Departmental Delivery page for instructions.
Pickup Service for all items:
We also deliver books and other items to any Libraries service desk so you don’t need to drive across campus or spend time looking for them in the stacks. Just request your items online and bring your JACard to the pickup location you requested.