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Find It Faster: How JMU Librarians Can Help Students

Posted September 14, 2022 in JMU Libraries News

Ask any librarian at JMU, and they’ll probably tell you that doing research as a college student was a tad overwhelming. They’ve been through it, and now they’re here to help you! You have a designated librarian who is an expert at finding sources specific to the class you’re taking—or to your major.

If you want to save time when looking for sources, need to know the best databases for international business policy, or just want some help getting started: ask your librarian.

In this short video, JMU Business Librarian Elizabeth Price explains how a JMU librarian can help you.

To find your librarian, start with the Research Guides and select the subject of your course. There, you’ll find your librarian’s contact info. Schedule an appointment, or email them. They’re here to help you!