Learning Access through Universal Design (LAUD)

JMU faculty: learn how to apply the fundamental principles of universal design for learning (UDL) in this self-paced, award-winning Canvas course. Engaging with the course should take approximately 2-4 hours. Instructional designers will be ready to meet with you for additional support.
To join this program, enroll yourself at any time! (Log in with your JMU credentials then select “Enroll in Course.”)
Related offering: This self-paced offering is related to (but not the same as) our Learning Access Through Universal Design Fellowship.
As you progress through the course, you will gain skills and knowledge to help you promote inclusivity in your teaching practices by removing barriers to students’ learning experiences. You will be equipped to create:
- A syllabus that uses inclusive language and works with screen readers
- An image-rich course in Canvas that is still screen-reader friendly and meaningful to people with diverse needs
- Instructional videos with captions
- Multiple representations of instructional content based on the principles of universal design for learning
After completing LAUD, you will be able to:
- Apply essential universal design for learning (UDL) practices in your teaching to optimize learning access and create an inclusive learning environment
- Connect with campus partners on actionable UDL integration (e.g. learning with online environments, laboratory, fieldwork, and clinical settings)
- Build inclusive learning access and a sense of student belonging into your teaching practices
You may enroll yourself at any time! (Log in with your JMU credentials then select “Enroll in Course.”)
Please contact Dr. Juhong Christie Liu (liujc@jmu.edu).