Libraries Faculty Call for Removing Confederate Names on JMU Buildings
Posted June 18, 2020 in JMU Libraries News
Today, speaking “as stewards of this university’s historical record,” members of the faculty of the JMU Libraries presented Dean Nowviskie, the JMU Faculty Senate, and upper James Madison University administration with the attached call for removing Confederate names on university buildings.

This document (updated with additional names on June 19th) follows posts on June 1st about a Libraries online book display (“Antiracism in Action“), and a June 9th pledge (“Self-Examination and Concrete Action in the JMU Libraries“) by members of the Libraries leadership, Dean’s Council, and Council on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
On Juneteenth, JMU’s eleven deans (including the Dean of Libraries) presented a similar call to senior leadership. It is linked here.