Community Seed Library

The Community Seed Library is a self-service seed sharing library provided by JMU Libraries, and available to all. No library card necessary!
We provide seeds for vegetables, herbs, and flowers. We prioritize heirloom or open-pollinated seeds and plants that are well-suited to growing conditions in the Shenandoah Valley. We also strive to provide culturally relevant seed types, recognizing the diverse populations and gardening knowledge of our neighbors across the Valley and their plant traditions.
Two Locations
Visit the Community Seed Library in downtown Harrisonburg or on JMU’s campus.
- Rose Library at James Madison University: across from the elevators on the 1st floor
- Massanutten Regional Library (Central Branch): cabinet on the 2nd floor next to the reference desk (past the children’s section)

Borrowing Seeds
- Browse seed collection: Seeds are organized by plant families.
- Complete envelopes: Using the Seed Stamp, stamp and fill out a separate envelope for each type of seed you plan to take.
- Take what you need: Put seeds in envelopes. Take 2-3 seeds for every plant you intend to grow this season.
Donating & Returning Seeds
- Plan ahead: Read the Community Seed Library’s How to Save Seeds Brochure, or consult our other resources to the left.
- Plant and harvest: Let some plants go to seed. Save seeds for yourself and the Community Seed Library
- Complete envelope: Using the Seed Stamp, stamp and fill out a separate envelope for each type of seed you are returning. Include as much information as possible
- For large and bulk donations, please contact us
- File: Place seeds in the cabinet alphabetically by family behind the proper divider.

The Community Seed Library encourages community empowerment and supports food sovereignty by providing:
- free access to seeds for all
- programming to share knowledge and skills related to growing gardens and saving seeds
- relevant resources and information
History & Funding
The Community Seed Library was co-founded in 2020 by Liz Chenevey and Sarah Pritchard, along with enormous support and help from various people within the Libraries. It is funded by gifts from donors to the JMU Libraries. Generous gifts from JMU faculty, staff, students, alumni, and lovers of libraries everywhere make projects like this possible. Learn more about our funding or make a gift to the See Library.
Questions or comments? Contact the Community Seed Library at