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Category: Educational Technology News

Top 10 things all new Dukes need to know about the Libraries (summer and fall 2021)

Posted June 2, 2021

Welcome to JMU! On this beautiful campus, you’ll find four library facilities, which we invite you to tour (virtually) in this short video or visit during our open hours. Here are the top 10 things you can do with JMU Libraries! […]

Survey tools at JMU

Posted April 28, 2021

JMU currently has two survey tools—Qualtrics and QuestionPro—to meet the research and general survey needs of its faculty and staff. In Fall 2021, JMU decided to continue the contract with Qualtrics on an ongoing basis. Recognizing the investment that many […]

Borrow multimedia equipment from the Libraries

Posted April 23, 2021

Did you know you can borrow equipment to support your digital media production or online teaching needs? From tripods to portrait light kits, our equipment will help you polish up your multimedia projects. Request equipment online three weekdays before you […]

Feature Friday: Harrisonburg 360 Podcast – Season 2 Launch

Posted April 16, 2021

Join us for a virtual launch on April 28, 2021, to celebrate Season 2 of a podcast featuring the stories of immigrants in the Shenandoah Valley: Harrisonburg 360: Real People. Real Stories. One Community.  JMU students in Dr. Allison Fagan’s […]

Faculty: Bring your online teaching questions to our office hours

Posted April 12, 2021

Drop in any time during our new virtual Collaborative Office Hours for Online Teaching and Learning to discuss your online teaching questions with experts and peers. When you arrive, you may be invited to join a themed breakout room based […]

Instructors: Join our Institute for Online & Hybrid Learning

Posted April 9, 2021

Over 340 JMU instructors have joined our self-paced Institute for Online & Hybrid Learning since February 2020. Faculty members who participate in the Institute are part of a learning community, supported by experts, peers, and mentors as they develop or […]

11 Things We Do in JMU Libraries That Might Surprise You

Posted April 6, 2021

If you think libraries are only about books, think again! In honor of National Library Week (April 4-10, 2021), join us on a mini tour of some of the other things we do. Of course we do a lot of […]

Feature Friday: Partners in Online Teaching (Faculty Associates)

Posted April 2, 2021

In Spring 2020 when James Madison University faculty had to move all their classes online in under two weeks in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Libraries jumped into action to provide online guides, virtual workshops, and consultation services to […]

Feature Friday: Storytelling Through Clothing – A History of Women’s Rights at JMU

Posted March 26, 2021

Perhaps you have noticed a beautiful display of vintage women’s clothing in the lobby just inside the historic entrance of Carrier Library, near the life-size statue of Joan of Arc.  The historic clothing exhibit celebrates the 100th anniversary of the […]

Feature Friday: Celebrating Simms and Black History in Harrisonburg

Posted February 5, 2021

The Lucy F. Simms School was once a pillar of the Black community in Harrisonburg, Virginia. From 1939-1966, the Lucy. F. Simms School was a thriving public school for Black children in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. While its closure during […]