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Naming Conventions Guide

Naming Conventions Guide

This guide was approved by Libraries Dean’s Council on May 7, 2019, and is maintained by Libraries Communications & Outreach. Questions and requests for updates should be sent to Kristen Shuyler. Requests for updates will be reviewed by Dean’s Council.

Purpose and Context

The purpose of this naming conventions guide is to build shared understanding and consistency for the formal, public usage of the Libraries’ brand. This guide is not intended to be focused on the history or practices of any given unit, department, team, or committee, but rather to shape how we present the Libraries now and into the future. The guide also supports the holistic approach to Libraries as developed by Libraries Leadership and Dean’s Executive Council starting in 2018.

The standards on the next two pages — Our Organization’s Name and Our Facility & Location Names — were informed by the JMU Brand Guide, the JMU Libraries Branding Task Force findings (shared in 2018), and conversations and review at Libraries Leadership and Dean’s Council.

Resources Consulted

*Not available online. Ask Kristen Shuyler if you would like a copy.