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Our Logos


Before using the JMU Libraries logo, please ensure that you will:

  • Use the PNG files with “Libraries” written in a larger font (to be used for screens)
  • Use the PDF files with “Libraries” in a smaller font on paper
  • Maintain safe space around the Libraries logo, minimum size, and other logo guidelines outlined in the JMU brand guide (and summarized below). 
  • Contact Emily Blake with any questions about logos or branding for JMU Libraries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which file type should I use?

  • For screens: Logos with “Libraries” in a larger font will be used on screens, including presentations, social media, and web pages. This folder contains logos with the larger font size and RGB color, which looks best on screens: PNGs (for screens). These are our primary logos.
  • For paper: Logos with “Libraries” in a smaller font will be used on paper, particularly for official documents such as letterhead, business cards, and brochures. This folder contains logos with the smaller font size and CMYK color, which looks best in print: PDFs (for print).
  • For giveaway items: Logos with “Libraries” in a larger font will be used for printing on giveaway items such as pens and stickers. This folder contains logos with the larger font size and CMYK color, which looks best in print: Larger font PDFs (not for paper or screens).
  • Other decisions, such as color and horizontal vs. stacked layout, will depend on your preferences and the context of where the logo will be used. Please contact Emily Blake if you need help choosing a version for your project.

What’s the best way to send our logos to someone outside our department?

Feel free to email the link to our entire logos folder with anyone who needs access to our logo. Emailing large files as attachments can pose a challenge if they exceed the maximum size allowed by our email system or the recipient’s. 

What are the main JMU brand guidelines for logo use?

  1. Safe space: A mandatory “safe space” around the logo must be incorporated into any design using the logo. All our logo files include the appropriate amount of empty space around the logo – this space should not overlap the edge of your design, other graphic elements, or text. The safe space for both the stacked and horizontal logos is defined by the height of the letter “J” within the block “JMU.” 
  1. Minimum size: The logo may never be scaled so that the block JMU is smaller than .35 inches high. 
  1. Color variations: The JMU Libraries’ logos may only appear in JMU purple, black, or white.
  1. Other guidelines:
  • The logo must be displayed with the standard registration mark “®” by the “JMU.”
  • The logo shall not be used as a background image or watermark.
  • The logo shall appear proportionately and in its entirety. No part of the logo may be altered, tilted, skewed or stretched.
  • When the logo appears on a dark background, the white logo version must be used.
  • Do not remove or rearrange the elements of the logo.
  • Do not crop or alter the logo.
  • Do not add graphic elements to the logo.
  • Do not compromise the legibility of the logo.
  • Do not outline the logo.


These guidelines come directly from the JMU Logos & Marks page of the JMU brand guide from University Communications and Marketing, which is subject to change. Please ask Emily Blake if you have questions about any of these guidelines or any other needs related to logos.