Award-Winning JMU Libraries Employees in 2023-24
Posted May 9, 2024 in Giving to JMU Libraries News, Instructional Design News, JMU Libraries News, The Makery News
Please join us in celebrating the JMU Libraries faculty members and student employees who won JMU awards this year!
Hermione DeWitt

Hermione DeWitt was named JMU’s Student Employee of the Year.
Hermione worked in the Libraries’ Makery for three years, where she helped countless fellow students learn to express their creativity through the use of technologies ranging from 3D printers to sewing machines.
Makery Services Manager Lisa Hartman praised her, saying, “Hermione shines in her leadership and initiative skills and those skills will serve her well when she begins her teaching career after graduation.”
Brian Flota

Dr. Brian Flota was selected as the 2023 Libraries’ Madison Scholar.
Dr. Flota, Humanities Librarian, was recognized for his excellence in scholarly achievement.
This award recognizes and honors the depth and breadth of his scholarship in library science and popular culture studies through his research, editing, collections-building, and writing, much of which focuses on diversity, inclusion, and mentoring of new librarians.
Jennifer Keach

Jennifer Keach received the All Together One award.
Jennifer’s award celebrates her gift for community-building, which has marked the many contributions she has made over the past 22 years.
As the Coordinator for Organizational Learning and Development in the Libraries since 2014, Jennifer has spearheaded the Libraries learning on topics like inclusion and diversity, mindfulness, leadership and career development, communication, and collaboration. Jennifer’s dedication to learning is not only evident in the Libraries. Since 2012 she has volunteered to offer workshops for the entire JMU community through JMU’s Talent Development office.
Juhong Christie Liu

Dr. Juhong Christie Liu was selected as a winner of the JMU Compass Award in the new category, “Projects”.
Dr. Liu is recognized for her local, national, and international collaboration and scholarship across diverse cultural settings
A notable project that Dr. Liu has led is the Learning Access through Universal Design project, which won the Commonwealth Technology award for customer experience in 2023. Dr. Liu was presented with the Compass award by the Office of the President and the Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, at this year’s diversity conference.
Josh Lipscomb

Josh Lipscomb, Peer Research Adviser, was chosen as a runner-up for JMU’s Student Employee of the Year.
Josh is a senior majoring in finance and is in his third semester working as a Peer Research Adviser for JMU Libraries. In that position, Josh consults with students who are enrolled in the 12-credit College of Business course experience, “Integrative Business,” and helps those students take advantage of Libraries resources to draft a business plan.
Josh is recognized for his positive attitude, professionalism, and his contributions to both the Peer Research Advisor program and his fellow students’ success.