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Apply for a Course Redesign Grant and transition to affordable and open course materials

Posted December 11, 2018 in JMU Libraries News, Open Education News

JMU Faculty and Instructors,

Do you want to redesign your course to swap out an expensive textbook for an open, no cost, or library option? Are you looking for funding to create or adapt open educational resource materials for your course?

VIVA, Virginia’s academic library consortium, is now offering Course Redesign Grants to provide support to faculty embarking on these efforts. This new program will award grants from $1,000-$30,000 to assist faculty members in transitioning to course materials available at no cost to students, such as open educational textbooks and/or library resources.

Full or part-time faculty from public and private, non-profit institutions may apply. Proposals may involve one person or teams that include: teaching faculty, librarians, instructional designers, subject matter experts, editors, graphic designers, or others as needed. Applications that include multi-institutional partnerships are encouraged.

More information, including the Request for Proposals, application, and evaluation rubric are available at VIVA’s Open Course Grants page.

Applications are due January 31, 2019, and award notification will take place on March 1, 2019.

Webinars will be held at the following times, and will include a general introduction to the grants, the application process, and a Q&A:

Successful applications will be selected on the basis of:

Questions may be submitted to or

*VIVA is funded by the Virginia General Assembly and VIVA member institutions, and is sponsored by the State Council of Higher Education (SCHEV).