A Note from Our New Dean
Posted September 11, 2019 in JMU Libraries News
Here you’ll find links to a wide array of library and educational technology offerings and resources available to you this semester. I would also like to take the opportunity of this first newsletter of my first year in Harrisonburg, to say how honored I am to join you in support of Madison’s stellar students, faculty, and staff.
Have you had occasion to collaborate with colleagues in the Libraries? Have the collections, spaces, services, or tools we provide been meaningful to your work? How can we partner or support you better?
Please come out to Libraries events, make connections with our team in person or online, and share!
With all good wishes for the semester,

Bethany Nowviskie
Dean of Libraries and Professor of English
We are excited to host a range of events this fall, including workshops, public talks, the free Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference, and more.
Expertise in the Libraries
You are invited to use our new, centralized online form to schedule consultations with the Libraries’ experts to discuss or collaborate on the wide range of areas in which we provide expertise and support. You may also want to contact a liaison librarian directly for research support in your discipline.
Scan and Deliver
You can request that we scan articles and book chapters from items in the JMU Libraries’ print and microform collections. These scans will be delivered electronically to your Interlibrary Loan account.
Speaking of scanners, we also have new scanners for public use in the Music Library, Rose Library, and Carrier Library. Special Collections also installed a new scanner.
Special Collections
Special Collections has implemented a fantastic new system that makes it easier to request materials and schedule visits.
Collections updates
This fall, we will engage our JMU communities in a conversation about large journal publisher contracts — or “Big Deals” — as we work with other university libraries across Virginia to assess their value and sustainability. Keep an eye out for ways to participate. In the meantime, please continue to refer to our Collections and Scholarly Resources page.
Business books have moved to Rose Library. Need that business book in Carrier? Most materials can be requested online for delivery to any library location.
New online resources for JMU
- The New York Times (first-time users of this JMU subscription will create an account here)
- The Wall Street Journal (first-time users of this JMU subscription will create an individual account using their JMU email address)
- LinkedIn Learning is a learning and development resource that offers a wide variety of streaming video tutorials and courses. If you had a Lynda.com account, it moved to the new LinkedIn Learning platform this summer.
- Sage Business Cases offers peer-reviewed cases from real-world situations to instruct researchers and students in best practices. Includes cases in accounting, ethics, entrepreneurship, leadership, marketing, and more.
- Social Explorer is a demographic research tool that includes over 220 years of data and enables the creation of customizable, interactive maps.
- AR Music Anthology consists of music, articles, and videos related to music history and music theory.
- Wolfram Alpha Pro is a computational knowledge engine that provides factual responses to queries ranging from mathematical formulas to pop culture trivia.
Refreshed library spaces
Visit Carrier, Rose, or the Music Library to experience recently updated library spaces:
- a beautiful renovation of the Music Library
- new quiet booths on the 3rd floor of Rose Library
- a new nook in the Carrier Library lobby where you can browse current magazines and newspapers, all of our DVDs, and popular books.
Community engagement
Faculty and staff can explore innovative approaches and technologies for service-learning with JMU Libraries instructional designers, members of the JMU Community Service-Learning Office, and other staff and faculty at these events this fall: